ArchiNet آركي نت


ArchiNet is a leading platform that brings together architects and interior designers from across the Arab world, fostering a vibrant and collaborative community. Established with the goal of enriching the architectural and design landscape, ArchiNet provides a space for knowledge exchange, networking, and professional growth. The platform hosts a variety of activities, including the annual Arab Architecture Week, which celebrates regional achievements and contributions to architecture and design, as well as regular design meetups, exclusive talks, and insightful interviews with industry experts.

ArchiNet is committed to supporting both emerging and established professionals by facilitating opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and exposure to the latest trends and practices in the field. By partnering with organizations, competitions, and events, ArchiNet actively promotes the exchange of ideas, showcases innovative projects, and provides a platform for sharing experiences and best practices. It stands as a central hub for those passionate about advancing architecture and interior design in the Arab region, empowering members to engage with a community that values creativity, expertise, and the ongoing development of the profession.

يرجى قراءة الملاحظات قبل تقديم الطلب
: يجب تعبئة جميع الخانات بشكل صحيح، طلبك لن يتم قبوله دون مشاركة البروفايل الاحترافي على شكل رابط مثل لينكدان او بيهانس او انستغرام او بطاقة الجامعة في حال كنت طالب الخ

هذه المعلومات مطلوبة للتأكيد ان المتقدم من التخصصات المعمارية,التصميم الداخلي,الحضري و المناظر الطبيعية فقط

هذه المنصة لكل المحترفين , الاكاديميين و الطلاب بكل المستويات

يرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية والإستخدام قبل التسجيل، تسجيلكم هو قبول لهذه السياسة بشكل تلقائي

: يرجى تعبئة النموذج التالي