ArchiNet آركي نت


ArchiNet is a leading platform that brings together architects and interior designers from across the Arab world, fostering a vibrant and collaborative community. Established with the goal of enriching the architectural and design landscape, ArchiNet provides a space for knowledge exchange, networking, and professional growth. The platform hosts a variety of activities, including the annual Arab Architecture Week, which celebrates regional achievements and contributions to architecture and design, as well as regular design meetups, exclusive talks, and insightful interviews with industry experts.

ArchiNet is committed to supporting both emerging and established professionals by facilitating opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and exposure to the latest trends and practices in the field. By partnering with organizations, competitions, and events, ArchiNet actively promotes the exchange of ideas, showcases innovative projects, and provides a platform for sharing experiences and best practices. It stands as a central hub for those passionate about advancing architecture and interior design in the Arab region, empowering members to engage with a community that values creativity, expertise, and the ongoing development of the profession.


دعوة للمشاركة في لقاء التصميم



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نبذة عن لقاء التصميم

أحد اول برامج منصة آركي نت، بدأ عام 2017 واستمر الى مارس 2020 حضورياً وتوقف بسبب الجائحة، يعود البرنامج الان مرة اخرى واضعاً أحد اهم اهداف المنصة ضمن اساسيات البرنامج وهو تشجيع المبدعين على مشاركة خبراتهم وتبادل المعرفة بما يساهم

الطلاب والممارسين والأكاديميين والباحثين على العثور على الدعم المطلوب

About Design Meetup

One of the first programs of the ArchiNet platform, which started in 2017 and continued until March 2020 in presence and stopped due to the pandemic, the program is now back again, putting one of the most important goals of the platform within the program’s foundations, which is to encourage creatives to share their experiences and exchange knowledge, which contributes to students, practitioners, academics and researchers to find support Required


عن آركي نت

ِAbout ArchiNet

المزيد عن آركي نت وبرامجها وقنواتها

More about ArchiNet's programs & channels